Stockholm, 11 Nopember 2002

Assalamu'alaikum wr wbr.

Ahmad Sudirman
Stockholm - SWEDIA.



Memang tidak ada alasan hukum yang kuat yang bisa dipakai tali pengikat Ba'ashir kalau hanya sekedar dituduh berdasarkan bualan kosong Omar Faruq yang dimuntahkannya didepan para agen CIA kacungnya tuan besar fir'aun modern sekularis Bush.

Hanya ada satu alasan hukum yang bisa dipakai Mega untuk dijadikan tali serat busuk goni pembuat karung pengikat leher Ba'ashir yaitu memasangkan label yang bertuliskan anti diktator militer korup Soeharto dikening Ba'ashir.

Dimana label yang bertuliskan anti diktator militer korup Soeharto dikening Ba'ashir itu diambil dari hasil buah pikiran Ba'ashir yang pernah diungkapkannya dan lambungkannya dari luar negara sekular pancasila keseluruh dunia, seperti yang pernah saya tampilkan dalam tulisan yang berjudul "Abah Billy: From Abdullah Sungkar and Abu Bakar Ba'ashir" tanggal 21 Oktober 2002 yang lalu.

Dimana disini saya ungkap kembali apa yang pernah dinyatakan dan dituliskan oleh Abu Bakar Ba'ashir itu yaitu:

"However, in a repeat of history, the Muslims, by the leave and help of Allah (s.w.t) successfully brought down the 'Old Order'. Overall, the Islamic Ummah supposed that this 'New Order' was a realisation of the blessings of Allah which would carry the strength of Islam forward.

But during its course the 'New Order' turned into a disaster worse than and more terrifying than that of before. The then 'New Order', under the management of Soeharto with the armed forces as his instrument, afterwards put into force a strategy of deceit and torment (which was devised by CSIS -Centre for Strategic and International Studies- , a secular think-tank made up of Kaffir Chinese and Christians). This conceived strategy proved to be a hammer blow and its poison was at its most venomous towards the Creed of the Muslims as it tried to extinguish the hopes of Islam in Indonesia.

Amongst the major sins that Soeharto's 'New Order' brought against the Islamic Ummah are: The implementation of marriage laws which were in complete contradiction of Islamic law, to the point were they were fervently demonstrated against.

The decision to establish Pancasila (the five basic principles of the Republic of Indonesia: the belief in a God Almighty; humanity that is just and civilised; the unity of Indonesia; democracy guided by the wisdom of redeliberation; social justice for all Indonesians) as the one and only system for all political parties and mass organisations.

This very clearly constitutes shirk and it was enforced by Soeharto's 'New Order' upon the Muslims. The reason why it is shirk is since the principles which serve as the basis for all aspects of private or communal matters within the Islamic Ummah can only be the Qur'an and the Sunnah. This is a firm conviction which cannot be compromised or altered whatsoever.

The prohibition of political parties which could possibly produce an Islamic leader who agree with the Qur'an and the Sunnah. This strategy definitively closed the doors on efforts to uphold a leader who was in accordance with the Qur'an and the Sunnah, which is an important obligation of the Islamic Ummah towards Allah and His Messenger (s.a.w).

The implementation of a doctrine which states that all religions are the same and the doctrine of P4 (the fourth principle of Pancasila) which clearly attacks the Creed of the Muslims as well as being contradictory to the laws of Islam.

The slaughter and extermination of those within the Islamic Ummah who demand that Islamic law be put into effect in Indonesia. The bloody events of Tanjung Priok in 1984 and those in Lampung some years afterwards, are proof of the cruelty and brutality of Soeharto's 'New Order' towards the Islamic Ummah.

The bloody actions of Soeharto's 'New Order' with the armed forces as his instrument, which truly strove the hardest they possibly could in order to eradicate Islamic behaviour in Indonesia, are blatant indications of their hate towards Islam.

Another vital complication which has occurred in the time of Soeharto's 'New Order' is the drastic decline of the Indonesian economy which started with the economic monopoly by the Soeharto 'dynasty', and those people close to him, towards the national debt (whose payments were burdened upon the common people and which skyrocketed with the continual corruption) that increased disturbingly until there was an economic rift between the indigenous people, who were mainly Muslim, and the Chinese who were mainly Kuffar. ( )

Nah, dasar politik itulah yang dikumpulkan BIN (Badan Intelijen Negara) untuk dijadikan dasar penangkapan Ba'ashir atas perintah Mega yang telah ditipu oleh Goh dengan barongsai Jemaah Islamiyahnya dan oleh tuan besar fir'aun modern sekularis Bush dengan bisnis busuk terorismenya.

Jadi kesimpulannya adalah karena Mega memang telah tergila-gila pada Goh dengan barongsai Jemaah Islamiyah-nya dan pada tuan besar fir'aun modern sekularis Bush dengan bisnis anti para penegak Syariat Islam, maka Mega berusaha sekuat tenaga untuk mencari jalan hukum agar Ba'ashir bisa dijerat dan dibuang baju WNI-nya diganti dengan jaring barongsai Jemaah Islamiyah buatan Goh untuk diserahkan kepada mereka bertiga, Goh, Howard dan Bush.

Bagi yang ada minat untuk menanggapi silahkan tujukan atau cc kan kepada agar supaya sampai kepada saya dan bagi yang ada waktu untuk membaca tulisan-tulisan saya yang telah lalu yang menyinggung tentang Khilafah Islam dan Undang Undang Madinah silahkan lihat di kumpulan artikel di HP

Hanya kepada Allah kita memohon pertolongan dan hanya kepada Allah kita memohon petunjuk, amin *.*


Ahmad Sudirman